Do you run Holiday Programmes?

Yes! We run the best holiday days in Auckland, hands down! Click the link to join the fun


How do the ages work? 

     JUNIOR: 5-8 year-olds

     SENIOR: 9+ year-olds

     ADVANCED: 13-18 year-olds

What do we wear?

You can purchase your Pform uniform at our online shop.


Can we trial a class?

Yes. We will not charge you for the trial class if you decide not to join. 


How much are classes?

     Performing Arts classes: $225 per term

     Dance Troupes, Theatre Companies & Glee Club: $338 per term

     Show Semester $550 (July - Dec with the big Auckland show)


How does Show Semester work?

Terms 3 and 4 are packaged together as our Show Semester; we do not sell Term 3 separately as it compromises the quality of the show work. Our classes work together as a close knit team and we require the commitment of attending the performance if you wish to sign up. 


Can we pay in installments?

Yes absolutley. Talk to our friendly office team about how to set these up. 


Are there sibling or multiple-class discounts?

No, all classes are the same cost.


How do shows work for the out of Auckland venues?

Christchurch will have a cushion concert at their venue at the end of Term 4.

Tauranga is invited up to the big show in Auckland.

Do you offer refunds/credit for missed classes?

No, classes are not sold on a class-by-class basis. If you miss class for any reason (sickness, Public Holidays, Nana's 80th birthday), you can make it up at one of our other venues but no refunds or credits will be given.







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